Saturday, January 30, 2010

Day 22

Articulate, the game of champions. I think more of my blog is about this game than Scotland! Seriously though. What a game. Funny part is, we are playing it so much that a lot of the cards keep coming up and we have played that specific word over and over again - let's just say it makes the game go a little quicker.

Anyway - started this friday off with my good ol' fashion breakfast of some oats + pecan cereal, a peanut butter and banana sandwich, an orange and some green tea... breakfast of champions. Not too shortly after, it was 4pm. Oh, whew, almost forgot I watched law abiding citizen on my computer! Great great movie! I recommend. I was going to say, breakfast then 4pm, that is not good at all... So after that Marc Jordan and I hopped on a bus to Jewel, which was a good hour away... in hopes of picking up some golf clubs. Well, we all got a club - there is a huge grass meadow/park dealio in front of our flats, and it is actually a public golf course. Not really a golf course, more of like a pitch and putt.. all the greens are pretty close to each other and you go back and forth. Yet, it is free, and a place to hit golf balls.

After we got the clubs we went into the "ASDA superstore" ... ASDA is basically Walmart, and superstore means superstore. So we entered this jungle of products and macheted through with our golf clubs. I ended up getting a lot of stocking up kind of food, frozen chicken, frozen shrimp, 2 boxes of mash potato flakes, huge lunch meats, etc. We hopped back on a few busses until we reached our humble abodes. For dinner I made some delicious chicken pasta, omnomnom. Always a favorite...

That night, Sogol, Taryn, Emily, Noel, Hillary, Lewis, Dave, Shahab and I played some articulate. Ok not some, a lot. It was great, we probably played 5 or 6 games. A few were guys vs girls, in which, obviously, the guys proved victorious over and over again ;). Mwahahah.
OH YEAH, I don't know why this just hit me now, but back in between breakfast and the movie, I fiiiiiinally cleaned up my room. I still basically had my stuff in piles on my desk, refusing to be put away. It looks pretty nice and simple now, and I like it that way. Back on track, after articulate I came back up to my flat thinking I was about to go to bed...

I open my door only to find 10 people inside having a mini flat party type deal. I wasn't complaining though, I was quickly bombarded with drinks, I had one or two, nothing too crazy. I was back for not more then 10 minutes and then jordan marc and paige come walking through the door! The more the merrier. They came back with food from Pablo! Our favorite "Burgers, Pizza & Kebab's" man. No but really. One night I found myself in there and simply asked him if he was better than the shop up the road, he said of course my friend! I just wanted some fries, or chips as they call them, I saw they were already cooked in the deep fryer, and I told him if he made me new fries I would bring everyone in there. So he did, and then about 8 more people ordered food. From that day on Jordan Marc and I always go in and say hi to him. He gives us huge amounts of food now, and discounted! A friendship was born. Back to the flat, I brought up the game where you both stand about arms length apart, with your hands up and your feet planted. Object of the game being to hit the other guys hands, first one to move at all from their planted feet position loses. Great game, especially when you are playing with a bunch of drunk people (needless to say, I had a bit of an unfair advantage). Anyway, everyone seemed to love it and there was 3 separate games going on at once at one point in time. Well, it's the weekend now... time for relaxation and some golf :)

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