Saturday, March 20, 2010

Day 64-67

Tuesday. Rest day from London, I pretty much relaxed and did some work on a research project the whole day. Ended up going to bed around 9pm to get ready for my 8am flight to Dublin the next day!!! (St Patricks Day)...

Let the 22 hours of madness begin...

As you can see, this was a very very busy day! There were thhhhouuuusssands upon thousands of people. It was so hard to walk, there was 11 of us (Shahab, Jacob, Jordan, Marc, Nick, Shannon, Rebecca, Erica, Jenna, Sarah and myself)... we had to initiate a 'buddy system' while we were going places. It was so fun though, you could feel the Irish joy in the atmosphere. Everywhere people were merrily drunk. Us guys actually purchased 2 bottles in duty free to save some money on drinks in Ireland, we split those up and they gradually decreased throughout the day ;).

Of course I had to enjoy a nice cold Guinness, or two ;). This was in The Temple Bar, one of Irelands most famous pubs. It was a bit chaotic in there. Wall to wall people, blasting Irish music and very hard to even turn around. But, that all added to the enjoyment of the day.

After a while roaming the streets, we headed to Brazen Head, which is Irelands oldest established pub - In 1179 I believe. Pretty damn old huh? This pub was pretty far out of the city center. With that being said, it was filled with all real Irish people, not those damn tourists ;). So we fit in juuuust fine haha, actually this was about the time where people were beginning to lose energy... I won't name any names, but uh, Nick fell asleep in the pub. Hilarious. We ate dinner here as well, which was quite good I think!

Even though it was a day of festive drinking, I still managed to keep my eye out for some cool sights. I have about 20 pictures of landmarks and cool buildings, this being one of them. Just to show you that it wasn't all about the drinks (yeah...) :).

We managed to make it back to the airport, only to find people passed out on EVERY chair, table, booth... and even under tables and curled up in plain view on the floors. It was pretty damn funny. Having about 3 hours before our plane took off, we wanted to get some snooze in... so we managed to find an office cubical, which was unoccupied, there were 4 sets of 3 chairs length wise. Marc, Nick, Shahab and Jacob took those, I grabbed the comfy office chair, combined with a handicap chair, and made myself a nice little bed. Once we got on the plane, I think everyone was passed out before take off, I literally do not remember leaving the ground. And that is how I know I had a good time.

Thursday was definitely marked off for a day of recovery, but after I slept from 9am to 4pm, I felt great. So, I put on my scholar cap and busted out a full essay for Scottish Culture! Now I need to do two presentations, and all my course work is done for the semester. Minus those exams, damn those exams... Regardless, very successful day!

Friday was great. It started out with my going down to the lab to set up the research experiment on position bias... I was able to set it up pretty well, when Robbie met up with me we went over some finer details. I was brought back to my high school days when we started using trig to figure out the visual angles people would be looking at. This is going to be a thoroughly set up experiment, which even heightens its value for publication... I am pretty excited to get going on this one.

Friday night was equally as good. It was time for beer olympics... I'll just come right out and say it. My team (Team: We like to party) DOMINATED. We destroyed everyone in flip cup, and ran the beer pong table all night. It was a ton of fun and I met about 20 new people that are half real scots and half other Americans studying abroad. It was really a good time. Afterwards we headed out for food. And it was a few minutes after we left I realized I didn't have my phone any more... I thought it was gone for good as Dave and I scoured the city for it. But - Benny and I went out on an expedition this morning (saturday) ... I walked back to Princes street, which is where I remember the last time I had it, but it is also the busiest street in Edinburgh. I was more so just going there because that is where T-mobile was, and I was going to get a new phone. However, I jumped over a little barricade that I remembered laying on, AND BAM! I landed 6 inches from my phone!!! I was pretty ecstatic to say the least, it was ridiculous, people in the street were looking at me and smiling. I think my happiness rubbed off on a few people today haha... Good stuff. :))

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