Exams. Exams. Exams. So much studying to do, I am about 2/18th done at the moment, and have one exam in 3 days, and another in 5 days. I got 2/18 from this little equation. I have 2 classes, both of them I need to cover 3 topics. 6 total topics. I am 2/3rds done with one of the topics. Awesome.
So, multiply this by 6.
Okay, now to get off that topic for a bit.
When I arrived in Edinburgh Saturday morning, I eventually walked back to my place and got in around 8AM. I figured I didn't have enough time to sleep due to the time crunch I have for exams. So, I immediately unpacked and cleaned my room to pristine quality. Afterwards I did a quick workout and ran to the grocery store (literally). Got my groceries and make some food. Now was time to start the studying, I put in about 4 hours, then went and played frisbee in the meadows with Benny and Rob for about an hour. Afterwards I skyped with my parents and went over living options for next year, as well as got into a couple hour philosophical talk with my Mom. She's a smart cookie. Of which more dreadful studying followed, and an early bed time.
Today has been nothing but putting my nose in the books and working hard.
These posts aren't as fun as my travel ones, are they? ;)
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