The last day in Stockholm. Make it a good one right?
Started out walking around old town and the islands a little bit, headed over towards the Vasa Museum, our first stop. This first picture is actually of a different museum, but it was a cool looking building.
After a nice stroll through the park, we arrived at the Vasa. The story of this is, in the 1600s a giant ornate wooden warship was constructed. It sunk before it got out of the harbor! The ballast stone in the hull was too light for this giant ship, the wind and water knocked it right over! In the 1700s, a Diver Bell was used to go down and examine the ship as well as recover a few guns (in picture). It wasn't until the mid 1900s when they were able to pull this at the time 700 ton ship out of the water! Luckily, the low oxygen content of the harbor was perfect for preservation and lack of bacteria etc to eat away at the wood.
The museum was huge, 7 floors, a part of the boat touched all of them. We spent a few hours here learning about the history, the history of sea voyages and a little about sweden in general.
When we got done with the museum, we headed into the main city center and walked around a bit. Got some medicine for Amy who was a bit under the weather (cross your fingers I don't get sick) ... and went to the area where the 2PM pillow fight was suppose to be! We were a little late, so it was already over :(.
The next thing on the list was the Carnegie Art Awards, in which I think contained 21 artists and 46 pieces of work. The top 3 were awarded sums of 100K SEK, 600K SEK, and 1M SEK. It was a pretty cool exhibit. These are a few of my favorite ones.
This one was intense, basically it started without any of the black paint. A woman literally went on a rampage with an iron pole breaking things and some black paint throwing it everywhere and just generally caused a one person riot. This was all shown on video next to the piece.
Now this was awesome. It was I believe water, in which ink was being released from the bottom in different spots and intervals. Creating my favorite works of art.
When we left the exhibit, we just ended up sitting next to the water for a bit. It was great. Played with the ducks, you know, the usual...

Now, feeling adventurous, we took the metro station to the edge of one of the pieces of land, about 20 minutes away. I saw some rocks and people near them as we passed it on the metro. We got off at the next station, and made our way back. It was serene there. A short walk from a path in the woods, down some rocks, and we were right on the river... it was frozen over with ice on both sides with water in the middle. Very relaxing, we spent a couples hours here. The sun was setting, but taking so long to move! Amy said it wasn't going to be a good sunset anyway, I disagreed using super-optimist powers...
Now we have to wake up at 250am, to catch our 8am plane. How does that work? Metro at 3:45... Bus at 4:30... We will arrive at the Airport around 6am... I guess you gotta do what you gotta do! Berlin in the morning!
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