Well, indubitably many things have happened in the last few weeks. I can't tell you everything, but, I can show you some photos that can describe some of the happenings!
This is the end result of a little experiment I did.
Yes, many, many candles were harmed in the making of this picture.
The reason I did this, you might be asking, was to take a photo for one of the last photos for the photojournalist scholarship I mentioned in the last post...
This spurred a frenzy of pictures having to do with candles, fire and smoke.

The Ghost incense...
And a walk in the park, where I saw this man, I am honestly not too sure what he is doing...
The park is right near my house, and it a pretty cool place to explore and also to relax.
There is quite the variety of trees, and let me tell you, dragonflies love this place!
I tried to take a few shots of the immensity of them flying around, but it doesn't really transmute into a good photograph... so instead, you will have to use your imagination!
The following set of photos is from Bevan's installation project. He had been volunteering his time at a local school. They set out to do an art project that would be installed in the soccer stadium, which is the part I lent a hand in, and took photos of.
These are 3D fiberglass molds that Bevan and the kids created.
The arms and legs are actual arms and legs of the kids!
Well... the molds of them.
Now, where exactly are these going, you might be wondering...
In the air is the answer!
We drilled holes into the concrete ceiling and fastened hooks in the holes.
Holes were also drilled into the tops of the soccer balls, which we then poured fiberglass resin into. We then placed hooks into the holes of the balls and flipped them over to rest on the hook. This created the hook as the center point of balance, in order for the resin to set evenly and hold the hooks in place. When that was done, wire was strung through the hooks in the ceiling, and then through the hooks on the balls... we hoisted them up, and up they stayed!
Now, that might have sounded easy, but there was a bit of a Fear Factor that went along with the whole deal. You might have seen the scaffolding in the previous picture, if you look closely, the top is nothing other than pieces of wood tied together on both ends with rope. And no, there are no side rails. Keep in mind, that we had to stand on this, reaching up, drilling into concrete, fastening hooks into the ceiling, and positioning the pieces!
-Bevan and I pushing the limits of the scaffolding...
(the soccer ball on the right imitating a potential fall!)
After the first one or two, we got the hang of it, and it was no longer too fearful.
The electricity operations, however, were another story all together.
Plugs? What are plugs? Just put the wires in it!

-Now, this picture is up for a few reasons: one, is for a close up look at the oh-so-sturdy wood and ties, which, by the way, were 83.3% successful. One of the pieces of wood did manage to wiggle loose and tumble through the scaffolding before resting about 10 feet from the ground. Yikes, that could have left a mark. The second reason being the height factor. And lastly, do you see the upper 1/3rd of the picture? It is a big concrete beam. These are placed every 20 feet or so across the ceiling. You see my hand there? Well, I was sitting on top of the scaffolding, in the process of fastening the pieces. Bevan would hoist up the soccer balls, I would fixated the wire in place and clamp it down then we would move to the next one. While moving to the next one, I opted to stay on top of the scaffolding, which proved to be an adventure in itself. The ties on the wood failed to keep them parallel with the sides of the scaffolding, when we turned, it caused them to bend as a whole from side to side, however, that is not why I am telling this story. Back to that beam, that big big concrete beam ...well... as I am sitting on top, in the midst of the sea of moving wood, I am no doubt looking down toward the ones who are pushing the scaffolding ...well... that was not the proper place to be looking! If you look again at the picture, there is about a 2 foot clearing from the top of the scaffolding to the bottom of the beam. Now, if you picture me sitting on the scaffolding ...well... I am bigger than that! By the laws of the Universe this caused a titantic collision between my forehead and the concrete beam! Wham! Immediately jolted I had to switch into ninja mode, I quickly laid down on the scaffolding and the beam passed directly over my head. Luckily it did, I might add, as if the clearing were less than 2 feet, I might have been pushed off the scaffolding! Bevan shouted up that he was impressed by my ninja skills, in my dodging of the big beam... I had to break the news that in fact I was unaware of my impending doom, and took the full brunt of it to the face.
But, as they say... all is well that ends well.
And end well it did... more dosas!
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